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Reduce Your Business’s Carbon Footprint with These Solid Waste Management Tips

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According to a report by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), total carbon emissions on the planet are now at a record high—higher than they have been in the last 3 million years! Moreover, the Green Building Council estimated that businesses account for 39% of total CO2 emissions in the US, not to mention the additional greenhouse gasses that are emitted

from fossil fuel combustion, solid waste landfills, and transportation. Moreover, businesses and people also contribute to indirect CO2 emissions.

Why Do I Need to Reduce My Business’s Carbon Footprint?

Studies reveal that millennial’s are more conscious about creating a greener environment to make this world a better place. In fact, a large portion of the American workforce is inclined to work at organizations that are trying to reduce their carbon emissions and go green.

So if you’re trying to curtail your business’s carbon footprint, here are several amazing solid waste management strategies that can help you achieve your sustainability goals.

1. Set Waste Management Targets

Before anything, you need to gather your workforce and engage them. Teaming up and setting aligned goals will help you achieve bigger and better results. Here’s how you can create a green team at your workplace:

2. Manage Hardware Equipment

According to, over 1.5 billion pounds of energy can be conserved using ENERGY STAR certified office equipment. That’s equal to reducing the impact of 158,000 cars on the road. Therefore, it’s imperative to calculate and reduce hardware energy wastage at your workplace.

When buying new equipment, look for energy-efficient computers, copiers, lighting, printers, and plumbing appliances. This can help businesses save $1 billion in energy costs in the long term.

3. Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Donate

Reducing waste and choosing energy-efficient products is no good if your business lacks an effective junk disposal technique. Here’s how you can promote waste management at your workplace:

  • Avoid using disposable cups, plates, and cutlery.
  • Purchase post-consumer recycled content paper products including napkins for your facility.
  • Encourage workers to bring their own reusable water bottles or employ an energy-efficient water dispenser to limit plastic bottle waste.
  • Replace old, inefficient HVAC systems, computers, and other appliances with energy certified options.
  • Consider using Fair Trade coffee, tea, cocoa—Fair Trade is a global organization that dedicates its services to natural resources for its manufacturing procedures.

Another effective strategy to reduce your business’s carbon footprint is by donating reusable hardware that isn’t required anymore. Consider donating perishable leftovers or unused food items to less fortunate people in your community if you have a surplus.

Reducing CO2 emissions4. Limit Food Wastage

According to CSS research, food waste accounts for 10-30% of our total carbon footprint—and the proportion is even higher in middle and upper-income classes. Food emissions mainly consist of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen, that come from the natural composting process.

Moreover, the FAO revealed that food wastage’s contribution to global warming is equivalent to 87% of global transport emissions. Therefore, it’s imperative to reduce excessive food consumption that results in high waste and greenhouse gases.

5. Invest in Green Energy Projects and Community Planning

Community solar projects are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint without having to install any technology so consider joining a community group to lower your energy costs in a clean green way. If your business would like to host a community solar site, you can make revenue from the installation while providing the community with clean renewable energy.

To help you make your energy-efficient business model a success, Larsen Engineers is here to help!

With over 65 years of experience, Larsen Engineers helps businesses and communities adopt sustainable and climate conscious energy conservation practices. Contact us today to inquire about a solar energy consultation, energy conservation strategies, community planning projects, and sustainability consulting services.

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