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Sustainable-GreenLarsen Engineers has been incorporating sustainable design concepts into projects since the early 1970’s. As municipal engineers for a number of communities in the Western New York area, the firm has been a leader in the protection of our natural resources. Larsen’s work incorporates LEED certified municipal engineering solutions in storm water management, recycling and reuse of materials as a standard design process. More recently Larsen’s efforts have turned towards appropriate utilization of products that are environmentally friendly, and development of sites that utilize the natural resources such as solar and wind power.

One exciting element of the new sustainable Green designs is the opportunity for a facility to conserve energy and produce Green power, which enables them to be energy independent and reduce environmental impact.

Life cycle cost analysis indicates that Green Design can actually save money in the long run. Larsen applies practical approaches with alternative energy designs, including geothermal heat pumps, wind turbines, micro-hydro, photovoltaic power, distributed generation, as well as all types of Green and renewable energy systems. Connect with us if you’re in need of sustainable green design services or solutions in Rochester – NY.

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