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How to Deal with Climate Change Flooding Caused By Abnormal Rainfall Events Through Better Stormwater Management

Due to drastic climate changes, the precipitation levels in New York City are expected to rise by 8% by the 2020s. Sea levels are also rising at a rate of 1.2 inches per decade—that’s almost twice the observed global rate.

Climate change has lead community leaders to increase their efforts in stormwater management. During seasons of heavy rainfall the ground becomes saturated due to the excess moisture. The run-off water carries debris, bacteria and other pollutants along with it and may damage equipment. The excess rainfall also leads to flooding in some areas.

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Net Zero Energy: Energy Efficiency at Its Best

Net Zero Energy is essentially the state when the energy produced by the use of on-site renewable Sustainable Site Planning consultants in a building. Or community is equal to the amount of energy that’s used.  It’s a concept that builds on the phenomena of energy efficiency, conservation and renewable energy generation. It can be applied to homes, buildings, neighborhoods, states and even entire countries.

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